The box of parts was surprisingly waiting for me when I got home.
Not surprisingly, it had been crushed somewhere along the way. Of EFFING course. I think it's MORE surprising to get an intact box rather than one
crushed or
covered in BBQ sauce.
Anyway, I now have all the parts to build out my lower!
Springs and do-hickeys and stuff! |
So where is the fail I mention in the title? Well it's in pretty much every contact I had with Palmetto State Armory. The only thing that went OK was the actual placing of the order. After that... Well, here is the timeline:
Aug 30- order placed. Everything showed 'in stock' on website (Which is why I ordered with them, plus some recommendations from online sources)
Sept 5- Emailed for Status (6 days later, 4 business days)
Sept 7th- told order would be shipped (8 days, 6 business days)
Sept 8th- Order tracking info sent to me (9 days, 6 Business days)
at this point, I found the tracking number not working on UPS website
Sept 10- Emailed with the problem with the UPS tracking Number (11 Days, 7 business days) NO RESPONSE
Sept 11th- Emailed for help again (12 days, 8 business days)
Sept 12th- Tracking number finally starts showing status, and I get a response from PSA. And the response is just "Tracking number XXXX is out for delivery"
Now, let me open the kimono a bit. I have spent all my life in customer service and customer facing roles. I worked for a company for several years was known to announce things then go on massive indefinite backorders... even to the point of shipping ONE unit to say that they made shipping deadlines, then not ship anything for weeks more. (As a matter of fact, that company just made a massive announcement today.) I have worked for another company as it went down the tubes due to an idiotic merger and constantly dealt with angry customers looking for shipments. I NEVER ignored emails just to see if the problem would solve itself. Yes, I know that UPS can sometimes have a glitch that tracking numbers don't show up until they are delivered, and I also know you can go into UPS Quantum View and tell if it was the glitch or if the package was lost or never shipped. TELL the worried customer what is going on.
What makes this a FAIL is the total lack of communication or service. There was no 'I'm sorry your order did not ship for 6 days, here is a code for 1/2 off shipping on your next order" or "It looks like your shipment is OK, and scheduled for delivery on the 12th!". Just delays and silence.
Please do not excuse them because I only used email for contact. They took my order online, they can give status and service online. If you cannot handle electronic communication, take down your website and start mailing people catalogs.
Now, I have a lot of more parts to buy for this build and another bare receiver. Can someone suggest a better company to use?
Edit: Palmetto State Armory replied to me via email:
To clarify:
Your order was placed
August 30th at 10:30PM which would make your first business day August
31st. Your order was shipped out on the 7th of September which was the
5th business day as we were closed for the Labor Day Holiday on
September 3rd. We advertise that our current shipping time is 5 business
days. I hope you have a good day sir.
To be fair, I did forget about the holiday on the 3rd. They did beat the 5 day lead time on orders that I never saw on the website. That is a bad one on me.
Still no mention on the 2 day wait times on relies to customer service emails.