Thursday, August 2, 2012

Tactical Firearms in Katy, TX supports anti-gun laws

Tam has the downlow.

Wish I was closer to this douche so I could go in and tell him the bulk ammo purchase I am about to make and how I will gladly pay more online rather then give him a dollar.


  1. I just don't understand how a business which depends on Second Amendment supporters for their living can take the side of evil...they must believe their bottom line will increase for their support of the leftest movement.

    1. Things never turn out well for collaborators. Sheesh.

  2. I wish I was closer too. How can you make such statements? It does seem that we eat our own at times.

    1. It's sad that we have to do that sometimes, but as my Hero Ben Franklin once said:

      "We must, indeed, all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately."
