Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Holy hell, it’s back!!!

Just like the rash- you first had it in high school, no idea why it was there, and has now reappeared... Zima is back.

As for me- I'm looking at coming back. Got some work to do on the site. Hoping to start posting regularly again


  1. Microsoft Outlook is simple to navigate and use, with a variety of functionality, functions, and techniques. Send and receive emails, store data and documents, plan meetings, handle calendars and schedules, and many more are all possible. There are different methods make it simple to resolve this issue. However, in order to avoid this mistake, one should always keep a constant eye on their outboxes to keep them clear and tidy. We hope you've successfully resolved the problem with Outlook Error Code 17099. However, if none of the above solutions function, we'll need to contact Microsoft Outlook Support via Outlook Telefoonnummer.
    Outlook Telefoonnummer
